9:00 AM09:00

Train Your Brain for Success

Wouldn't it be great if you could simply flip a switch to put your brain into a highly productive mental state? That is what this seminar is all about!

You will learn how to improve your cognitive efficiency by physically changing your brain to be more focused, process faster, and have better memory.

Featuring John Kennedy

John Kennedy is a pioneer in the field of Applied Neuroplasticity and created the world's first Targeted Neuroplasticity Training program in 2007 at the request of the US Marines. He has helped thousands of people improve their cognitive performance, from high performers to those struggling with brain disorders.

Registration required - spots are limited!


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9:00 AM09:00

Breakfast and Beneficiaries

Come Join Us!

During this seminar you will learn how an estate plan helps:

  • Protect your loved ones’ inheritance from in-laws, divorces, lawsuits and creditors

  • Avoid the expenses, delays and headaches of Probate

  • Prevent minor children and grandchildren from squandering their inheritance

  • Prepare your loved ones to know what to do when the time comes

  • We will also have time for Q+A at the end!

Light refreshments will be provided. If you would like to bring a guest, please just let us know!


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8:00 AM08:00

RNPW Professional Development Day

  • Prairie Street Brewing Company (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Rockford Network of Professional Women is hosting a professional development day on April 6. It is a great opportunity for professional women to connect and learn. I am a co-chair for this event and hope to see you there!

The RNPW is a non-profit organization that encourages professional and personal growth for all women through education, mentorship, and networking in order to serve one another and our community.

For More Info Click Here

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